Battle of Battles

An artistic project by Compagnie par Terre and association Fondament’all

The par Terre / Anne Nguyen Dance Company and Didier Boko’s association Fondament’all are collaborating on a large-scale artistic project, the Battle of battles, which aims at coaching the students of one or several secondary schools to organize their own dance battle.

During several months, the students will prepare themselves through workshops divided in two axes: one on dance, where they will practice hip-hop or afro dance and prepare for the battle by working on stage presence and self-assertion, and the second on methodology, where they will be introduced to communication, greeting the public and logistics. In the course of the project, they will have the opportunity to see in situ performances at their school by the dancers coaching them and to attend shows from the par Terre Dance Company, whose artistic and technical teams they will be able to meet. They will themselves perform in situ inside their own schools and organize a pre-battle there. The project will culminate in the Battle of battles, an event co-organized by the different classes participating, who will battle each other in front of their friends, families and students of the other classes invited.

The battle of battles project develops group cohesion and individual skills through the practice of dance and the preparation of an event involving the students in all stages of the project, thus reinforcing their personal responsibility and their potential to act onto the world.

This project was realized:
  • from September 2021 to June 2022 as part of an In Situ residency instigated by the department of Seine-Saint-Denis (93), with 3 classes of 6th and 5th grade students from Collège La Courtille in Saint-Denis (93), a Paris suburb. It was centered around Heracles on his head, of which several weeks of rehearsals took place inside the school, and the shows Underdogs and Hip-Hop Nakupenda.
  • from January to April 2023 with La Ferme du Buisson, Scène nationale de Marne-la-Vallée, as part of the project “Beaux Quartiers” with the support of ministère chargé de la Ville, with two classes of 4th grade students from secondary school Le Luzard in Noisiel and two classes of 3rd grade students from secondary school Louis Aragon in Torcy (77), in the Paris suburbs. It was centered around the show Matière(s) première(s).

Battle La Courtille (93)
June 2022 – An artistic project realized as part of an In Situ residency instigated by the department of Seine-Saint-Denis (93).

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Conception, artistic coordination: Anne Nguyen
Artistic collaborator, artistic coordination: Didier Boko (Association Fondament’all)
Artistic contributors: Fabrice Labrana alias Fabbreezy (dance coach) Fabrice Mahicka alias Faboo (dance coach), Clara Salge alias K-Yoo (dance coach), Didier Boko (general organization), Sabri Sidi-Ouis (speaker), Patrice Meslien (DJ)
Assisted by: Olivia Alves, Mona Kaabi, Ekin Akkilic
Coordination: Juliette Dubin (Conseil départemental de Seine-Saint-Denis), Adèle Guihéneuf (Collège La Courtille), Adèle Jaffredo (par Terre Dance Company), Didier Boko (Association Fondament’all)
Collège La Courtille: Philippe Legros (principal), Mme Benayad (senior school administrator)
Teachers: M. Baniel, Mme Bensmail, Mme Biega, Mme Burlet, Mme Collet, M. Coutant, Mme Debant, M. Gasmi, M. Greco, M. Halftermeyer, Mme Hourcade, M. Jacques, Mme Kabachene, M. Leglouet, Mme Maachi, M. Matignon, Mme Prieur, Mme Turpin, M. Wagner, the whole pedagogical and administrative team, the classes of 6èmeB, 6èmeD and 5èmeD, the choir and M. Evin
Images: Mounir Amhiln, Sabri Sidi-Ouis
Editing: Mounir Amhiln
Pictures: Stéphane Younes

Battle of Battles – La Ferme du Buisson (77)
April 2023 – An artistic project realized with La Ferme du Buisson, Scène nationale de Marne-la-Vallée, as part of the project “Beaux Quartiers” with the support of ministère chargé de la Ville.

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Conception: Anne Nguyen
Artistic collaborator, artistic coordination: Didier Boko (Association Fondament’all)
Artistic contributors: Didier Boko (methodology and dance coach), Mounir Amhiln (dance coach), Christel Bournot (dance coach), Olivia Alves (methodology coach), Sabri Sidi-Ouis (speaker), Patrice Meslien (DJ)
Coordination: par Terre Dance Company, Association Fondament’all and La Ferme du Buisson
Collège Louis Aragon de Torcy: Alexandra Andria and Medhi Dadou (teachers)
Collège Le Luzard de Noisiel: Marion Fauconnier and Simon Padovani (teachers)
Pictures: Nina de Castro, Vanessa Martin, Olivia Alves


The par Terre Dance Company is funded by l’Aide pluriannuelle du ministère de la Culture / DRAC Île-de-France, la Région Île-de-France for “Permanence Artistique et Culturelle” and l’Aide au fonctionnement du Département du Val-de-Marne.
In 2024/2025, the par Terre / Anne Nguyen Dance Company is an associate artist to La Manufacture CDCN Nouvelle-Aquitaine Bordeaux • La Rochelle, as part of the associate artist residency program by the ministry of Culture, and to Théâtre des 2 Rives de Charenton-le-Pont.
In 2024/2025, the par Terre / Anne Nguyen Dance Company is in residency at l’Opéra de Massy.