Yonder Woman

Experiment for two superhero women – 2010, duration 25 min

Intentionally exposing themselves to the public gaze, two B-girls enter their assigned experimental space. Intent on presenting the spectator-observer with the image of a heroine, they succumb to the requirements of the performance they feel is expected of them. Dressed in tailored jackets and beanies, they invent a virtual labyrinth waymarked with goals and obstacles, through which they make their staggered progress, amid an interplay between contact, tension and the act of overtaking. Plunged into an atmosphere of heavy expectancy, the dancers’ bodies reveal and transform the inner stresses associated with contemporary living. Yonder: at an indicated distance.


Choreography: Anne Nguyen
Dancers: Anne Nguyen, Valentine Nagata-Ramos
Original music: Benjamin Magnin
Lighting design: Ydir Acef
Artistic adviser: Vincent Rivard


With the support of: la DRAC Ile-de-France; la Communauté de Communes Charenton – Saint-Maurice.

Coproduction: Parc de la Villette (WIP Villette); Centre de Danse du Galion d’Aulnay-sous-Bois; Maison Folie Wazemmes / Ville de Lille; Danse à tous les Etages !; MJC Pacé; CCN de Créteil et du Val-de-Marne / Cie Käfig – dans le cadre de l’accueil studio.

With the partnership of: Centre national de la danse – mise à disposition de studio; Centre de développement chorégraphique du Val-de-Marne; Les Journées Danse Dense; Culturesfrance.

The par Terre Dance Company is funded by l’Aide pluriannuelle du ministère de la Culture et de la Communication / DRAC Ile-de-France as “Compagnie à Rayonnement National et International”, la Région Ile-de-France for “Permanence Artistique et Culturelle” and l’Aide au fonctionnement du Département du Val-de-Marne.
Anne Nguyen was awarded the 2013 SACD Nouveau Talent Choréographie prize and appointed Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres in 2015. She has been an associated artist to Chaillot – Théâtre national de la Danse from 2015 to 2018.

“A female breakdancing laboratory, generating surreal, ethereal and cunning legworks. This manner of dissociating limbs to assemble them again upside down is like a Picasso set to dance. […] a new architecture, as suggestive as it is joyful, as mischievous as it is surgically precise. Another form of breakdancing has been made possible!”
Danser – Thomas Hahn (February 2011)

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“Anne Nguyen gives a brand new face to powermoves […], dismantling sequence after sequence of moves and reconstructing them. Circles are turned into straight lines, right angles and staccato trajectories. A lively modular system is born, a blend of breakdance and contact dance that deconstructs the body’s natural order, as in a painting by Picasso. Anne Nguyen applies the principle to legworks. Paradoxically, she makes it look perfectly natural.”
Tanz – Thomas Hahn (December 2010)

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