

A film by Anne Nguyen and Greg Kozo.
UNDERDOG CITY draws on the central figure of the Statue of Liberty to question the notions of liberty, universalism and cultural integration.


A film by Anne Nguyen and Greg Kozo.
Through dance, the symbolism of the body and the stereotypes associated with bodies, Anne Nguyen invites the onlooker to question the concept of cultural appropriation.

Underdogs: in the studio

Anne Nguyen and Greg Kozo invite you to a moment during the creative process of the show. Filmed on January 8th, 2020 at CND Centre national de la danse.
With: Sonia Bel Hadj Brahim, Arnaud Duprat, Pascal Luce

À mon bel amour: The ladder

A film by Anne Nguyen and Greg Kozo.
Half fantasy fashion show, half metaphor on humankind’s dream of elevation, Anne Nguyen reworks an excerpt from her choreographic piece À mon bel amour through the prism of her poem entitled “The ladder”.


Un film by Anne Nguyen and Greg Kozo, produced by L’ADN with the support of CENTQUATRE-PARIS for L’ADN Dance Living Lab. In an unusual interview conducted between a choreographer and a dancer, or perhaps a scientist and an android, the spectator encounters a robot-like being. With dancer Blondy Mota-Kisoka.

Matière(s) première(s): work-in-progress

Anne Nguyen and Chakib (Kaptur) Sadok invite you to a moment during the creative process of the show. Filmed on October 7th, 2022 at La Briqueterie CDCN du Val-de-Marne, with 3 of the 6 dancers from the show.
With: Dominique Elenga aka “Mademoiselle Do’”, Jeanne D’Arc Niando aka “Esther”, Grâce Tala

Alpha Centauri 4,37

Anne Nguyen and Greg Kozo take us to a trip in space and time alongside dancer Jimmy Ismaël alias Jimmy Soul.

À mon bel amour: in the mirror

A film by Anne Nguyen and Greg Kozo created for the European Night of Museums 2020 – digital version, at the initiative of Etablissement Public du Palais de la Porte Dorée.
In the light of her text on the theme of identity, choreographer Anne Nguyen offers a perspective on each of the 8 dancers in her choreographic piece À mon bel amour.
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Fast Motion

A film by Anne Nguyen and Yoann Lelong. Discover the 17 poppers and breakdancers of the par Terre Dance Company, filmed at strange speeds, in the Grand Foyer of Chaillot – Théâtre national de la Danse.
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Autarcie (….): Vue sur les marches

A film by Anne Nguyen and Thomas Rollo, produced by Chaillot – Théâtre national de la Danse.
The dancers from Autarcie (….) perform a short variation adapted from the piece on the famous and monumental stairway in Chaillot – Théâtre national de la Danse.


A 360° VR immersion in the middle of 16 hip-hop delirious dancers! A film by Anne Nguyen and Claudio Cavallari, created as part of interactive installations Dance of the city warriors.


A film by Anne Nguyen and Claudio Cavallari, produced by Chaillot – Théâtre national de la Danse, created for the Fraternité Générale collection.
A fantastic body, reflecting the diversity of humankind, dances to celebrate the common spirit that connects us.


Anne Nguyen and Claudio Cavallari invite us to contemplate the inner being of a body that takes shape to the rhythm of the city lights. With dancer Santiago Codon-Gras.